Friday, May 11, 2007

Web Site News and Housekeeping

As a reminder, the next two tournaments are scheduled for Saturday the 19th, and Sunday the 27th of the Memorial Day Weekend. The Sunday tournament is also the Andrew Miller 41st Birthday Extravaganza Spectacular. This party will be held at the Pit afterwards (Sung's Palatial Palace). More details will follow.

Also, just to keep this site fresh, there will be an attempt to update content on a more frequent basis. It may not be all volleyball related... hopefully lots of funny stuff (just as a five minute diversion during your day) of some thoughts, weird insights, heated debates... and probably a few rants.

I won't be the only one writing...

Mass e-mails will still only go out for tournament news... or for some reason a seriously intense conversation breaks out on a certain subject that all of you should see.

So keep on the lookout... feel free to engage in conversation... and as Graham would say, "have fun!"


Anonymous said...

I'm in for the next two tourneys. Thanks for organizing.

Lisa from the Snowy Mountains

Unknown said...

I will bring the exact chemical make up of Twinkies to the Tourney on the 27th. Cenk may also have it available. last time we spoke, I believe that he was working on the life extension of Twinkies.

I will not be able to attend the 19th. I will be attending Rick's wedding in France.
Rick will be marrying the lovely 25 year old French roommate that he cheated on me with, several years ago. How Euro.

I could have some fun with this..."Does anyone object to this marriage?"........LOL.

I am going to wait until after the wedding to point out that he will be dead or in a nursing home when his first child is in college.

( know I LOVE to bust you..thanks for being a good sport..see you next week.)

Todd Serad said...

You are going to wait until "after" the wedding?

Hmmm... Rick... your turn?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the promoting the Memorial Day tourny. The event actually celebrates my 40th. But, thanks for trying to make me older. (ha ha) Hope to see you all out because the day should be fun!

Matt said...

Good news, everybody! Tammy can play on the 19th, now that she's gotten herself un-invited from Rick's wedding.

Rick said...

It's a SHOT tourney??? Todd, why didn't you let me know sooner??? I just informed Nathalie that we need to postpone. I'm IN the 19th!!

Rick said...

OK, Nathalie just gave me a shot; with a stale baguette...and I think she's broken my right arm. Ouch...yes it's definately broken. In fact, it appears to be a compound fracture. So I'll have to withdraw from the shot tourney. The real challenge now will be applying the (planned) duct tape to Tammy, in the church, at the appropriate moment, with only my left hand available!

Unknown said...

"Does anyone object to this marriage?"


It won't be long before I am signed up for the shot tourney...