Friday, May 25, 2007

Sunday Update!!

Our official “King & Queen” Sponsor!!

Here is the latest update for Sunday’s “King & Queen” tournament… almost 30 people are participating! Do I hear 30?! How about 35?!

There is still time to join the tournament… and the party!

This Sunday’s tournament has been dubbed the Andrew (Carnegie/Weber/Lloyd Wright) Miller "King & Queen" Beach Volleyball Bonanza Extravaganza Double Bicep Pump 40th Birthday Party Classic!!

Party WILL be held at Sung’s palatial Palace (aka The Pit) immediately after the tournament. Get this... food will be provided! However, it is requested that you bring your drink choice.

Tournament start time is 9am! Please be there early to help set up nets. The last two people to arrive will be required to do tequila penalty shots with the birthday boy... we mean it!!

After the seventh round of tournament competition, the birthday boy will be required to knock out 25 push-ups and then perform 5 muscle poses of “Arnold” like proportions… this is always a crowd pleaser!

We will be playing west of the lifeguard house located on the beach… near National Blvd. Remember, the last train out of Penn Station to get you to Long Beach on time for the tournament is the Long Beach 7:48. If you elect to take the one after that… we’ll have a shot waiting for you!

This is the last tournament of the spring season… lets make it a blast! There is also a lot at stake here. Unbeknownst to most of you, we have been participating in our own “King & Queen” grand prix. Standings directly below show the top ten in men and women. Current results are based on performance in pool play, playoffs, “Stink & Drink” appearances, tequila shots consumed, ability to add and subtract simple numbers, and most of all… the ability to draw that fifth line diagonally across the four other hashmarks in order to represent a cluster of five accurately on the scoresheet.

Leaderboard stats brought to you by Patron!

So, Mattster and Carla from Miami are both playing this Sunday… will they be able to hold on to lead? Come on out and watch the drama unfold!

See wondering if you want to play or not? If you decide, “hell yeah!” then simply… In the comment section… please provide the following information:

1. Will you be playing in the tournament?

2. Will you be able to bring a net?

3. Will you be attending the party afterwards?
4. Do you actually know Andy?

5. Will you be bringing a present valued at $100 or more?
6. Do you have an aversion to midgets and ponies?
7. Any other comments that will spark conversation!

8. Has anyone ridden a midget?


Unknown said...

Thanks for pointing out my "suckiness". I almost went undetected.

Phil..I will bring you a banana. Just don't sit on it. (Don't ask)

I just joined the "Pit" as a member. SO "Hell Yeah!"

Andrew...I am bringing Tequila.."no", you can not use the garbage can from my room for the night. Romeo claims it is his "Personal Can".

What the hell does all that mean?

By the way? Who in the world is Andy?

See you Sunday....

chrisbPT said...

thank god those stats are based on more than volleyball. I'm a little better at showing up, and drinking, and losing a few.
i think i know who andy is but every k & Q list always has a couple of mystery guests. And Phil is back from the land of the missing! yeah!
i forgot to rsvp i will go to the party, too.
ciao til sunday

PDITTY said...

So now I;m in a slight quandry...

Do I
A) show up late just so I can do the tequila shot penalty?
B)Show up on time and help with implimenting the tequila shot penalty
C)Be there early, test the sand, help set up (after my morning nap) then help administer the tequila penalty shot....

HMMMM...Such pressing questions....

What to do, what to do???

Well if any of you have any suggestions please let me know


PDITTY said...

And by the way: if any of you have riden or have been riden by a midget, please bring proof of said event...And Finster you are not allowed to doctor any pictures of Cenk and a midget pony, get that thought out of your head!!!